With Our All-In-One Container Farms.
Feed your animals, become the supplier for your restaurant, or simply start your own agricultural business.
The Sunsail Container Farms use soilless hydroponics with automated irrigation and lighting to produce organic food all year round, using minimal amounts of water and labor in comparison to traditional farming.
Choose one of our ready to start container models or let us lead you through the process of planning and designing your own custom farm from scratch.
What is Hydroponics ?
Hydroponics means growing plants in water without soil. Plants don’t need soil but they do need vitamins and minerals that soil can provide for them.
In hydroponics, plants are grown in an inert medium or NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) grow pipes, where they are fed a solution containing a perfected mix of primary, secondary and micro-nutrients.
Almost any kind of plant can be grown hydroponically, including veggies, herbs, fruits and flowers, even trees in the right setup.

Hydroponics provides an advantage over soil growing for many reasons.
The roots do not need to reach for nutrients and don’t have to waste time growing extensive root systems, the plants can be grown closer together. Nutrients are always readily available to plants, allowing for a growth rate up to 30-50% faster than plants growing in soil.
Without the need for tilling, weeding and pest control, labor is severely decreased while yields increase. Water usage is also a big reason hydroponics becoming more and more popular - because it significantly conserves water over the usual growing methods.
Sunsail Aquafarming is a socially minded company empowering individuals and communities to locally grow affordable produce all year round through its hydroponic and aquaponic farms.
Sunsail Aquafarming makes growing healthy food easier than ever in Namibia, taking advantage of the low water consumption of our systems and helping local farmers to grow food much closer to market.
Our growing technology is predestined for food insecure, remote communities, but equally excels in urban areas, where space is rare and expensive.
Unless preferred otherwise, we strive to source all materials locally to support Namibian businesses and make maintenance a breeze.
Choose one of our ready to start container models or let us lead you through the process of planning and designing your own custom farm from scratch.